Real American Voices
Politics • Culture
"Real American Voices" is dedicated to authentic perspectives from everyday Americans.
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I don't want to create content like this. I genuinely don't.

I'm also not producing this content with the intention of scaring anyone. This is truly the most dangerous of times I have ever lived through.

As much as it hurts to look at, we HAVE to start discussing this.

If you think you're going to have a hard time, please stop when you are cautioned to.

Be Good.

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One American's opinion.

One side of the political spectrum in the United States cares about the traditions, principles and values of America. These people come in all shapes, sizes and colors and nobody on that side cares. The other side of the spectrum doesn't like that fact and does everything they can to sew division.

Here is just one American's opinion about what happened over the weekend.

Is history repeating itself?

Are the echoes, shadows, and reflections of the past all around us?

Happy Thanksgiving (please share)

The first part are sincere wishes for you and those you hold dear. The back half is something I believe we all feel is worthy of discussion. Please watch this video in its entirety. I am seeking feedback from the locals community. Do we see the same things? If you feel the content valid and worthy, please consider forwarding it on to your network of friends and loved ones.


I don't want to create content like this. I genuinely don't.

It truly saddens the heart.

We're all in this together.

If you have feedback, please share.

Be Good.

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